Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Live Stream Today - Technical Herps

Stream today was a success, mostly! Hopefully do another cast Friday on Magicka, with added refinement and better humour.

No really, Magicka is some funny stuff.

Until then though, catch you later


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

DoW2 - Retribution. Beta first impressions!

The beta is here, and has been for a few days, but I managed to get my hands on a key. Oh what good times these will be.

But first I'd like to mention, I am here. Not done any work on the blog for a while but there has been an exam period so consequently I've not been able to do any work on this. I'll be doing an introductory vlog/blog at some point just introduce myself a bit more, as well as this I'll be making a post every Tuesday so keep your eyes on the horizon.

Eitherway, back to DoW2.

Me and a couple of friends played throughout the DoW2 beta had a ball with that, so I'm definately looking forward to playing this. Especially with the induction of Imperial Guard, which I was a little sceptical of. Going back to DoW1, IG was particularly weak without commanders in their squads or supportive abilities. However long since gone are the days where building a pretty little base was an issue, in DoW2 you build MANunits and go wreck someones stuff. Alternatively you can hold the victory point.